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Metal cutting involves the process of removing unwanted material from a workpiece to achieve the desired shape or size
2 pcs Bystronic BySprint Fiber 4020 laser
Sheet metal up to 4000 × 2000 mm.
First-class cutting quality for thin to medium thick sheet metal.

BLM LT652/B 2D tube laser
Round tubes from 12 to 128mm diameter.
Square tubes from 12 x 12 to 120 x 120mm.
Max unload length : 3500mm.
BLM LT5 fiber tube laser
Unloading and support system of cut pieces in lengths: 4500 mm.
Round tubes from 12mm up 120 mm diameter.
Square tubes from 12 x 12mm up to 100 x 100 mm.
Rectangles, ovals and elliptical tubes up to 120 × 70 mm.

Manual Bandsaw Bianco 350 and Klatenbach automatic bandsaw.
Ensures fast, flexible and correct cutting operations for coils.

TRUMPF TRUMATIC 6000 L Laser-press
Automatic feeding and unloading system.
Max steel thickness 8mm:
Max stainless steel thickness 6mm:
Table 4000 x 2000mm:

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